[Mirrored from our internal VCS @ commit hash d5e14ea0732f12958d647928bdc7110533006219]
Secure Edge smart contracts backing Sygnum's regulated DCHF token. Built on a solid foundation of community-vetted code, utilizing OpenZeppelin industry standards.
- EdgeToken is build using function overloading principles from polymorphism within ERC20 functions.
- Utilizes role-based permissioning scheme and a whitelist from solidity-base-contracts repo to ensure a setup in line with regulatory requirements.
- Exportable EdgeToken and EdgeTokenProxy contract instances usable by other Gitlab NPM Packages.
- Features a blocked balance in addition to the standard ERC20 balance (which becomes the available balance) which is useful to block tokens (e.g. for orders on secondary markets) without the need to move them into a separate escrow contract.
- Audited by Quantstamp with no major findings.
The Sygnum EDGE smart contracts are built and designed to enable Ethereum based stablecoins. The EdgeToken is an ERC20 compatible token which is extended with additional functionality that makes it suitable to operate in a regulated environment. It comes with an integrated role-based model and a whitelist to ensure a setup compliant with regulatory requirements.
EdgeToken has been specifically designed to support the Digital CHF (DCHF), Sygnum Bank's first stablecoin which is pegged to the Swiss Franc. DCHF can be purchased in a one-to-one exchange for CHF and are redeemable one-to-one for CHF. Upon purchase, DCHF tokens are minted and added to the token supply. Upon redemption, DCHF tokens are burned from the supply. The Digital CHF is available for purchase on Sygnum's banking platform.
The token comes with a proxy contract, which enables a future-proof setup with the possibility upgrade the token functionality without the need to deploy a new contract.
The EdgeToken is initialized with a whitelist contract and several role contracts (base, trader, blockers).
An overview of the most important extensions of the EDGE token can be found below.
: increase the supply by minting a specified amount of tokens to an address. Alternatively, batchMint
can be used to mint up to 256 addresses in a single batch. Can only be called by Operator or System.
: decrease the supply by a specified amount from the account of msg.sender. Alternatively, burnFor
can be used to burn an amount of tokens for a specific address. Can only be called by Operator or System.
: halt all interactions with the smart contract by pausing the token. Can only be called by Operator.
: re-enable interactions with the smart contract by unpausing a paused token. Can only be called by Operator.
: stop a particular address from interacting with the smart contract. Can only be called by Operator. This function can be used to carry out enforcements of court rulings or other situations where regulations require intervention of the service provider (e.g. AML).
: re-enable a particular frozen address to interact with the smart contract. Can only be called by Operator.
: transfer a specified amount of tokens from one address to a target address. Alternatively, batchConfiscate
can be used to combine up to 256 confiscations in a single batch. Can only be called by Operator. This function can be used to carry out enforcements of court rulings or other situations where regulations require intervention of the service provider (e.g. AML).
: transfer a specified amount of tokens from an account’s available balance ( balanceOf() ) to its blocked balance ( blockedBalanceOf() ). Can only be called by Blocker or Operator. This function can be used to block funds which are “in order” on a secondary market or held in escrow for other purposes (e.g. lending services), while at the same time ensuring that the tokens remain in the account and name of the token holder.
: transfer a specified amount of tokens from an account’s blocked balance ( blockedBalanceOf()
) to its available balance ( balanceOf()
). Can only be called by Blocker or Operator.
Note: for now this repo only works with NodeJS 10.
Obtain a gitlab access token. Using the api
scope should suffice.
# Set URL for your scoped packages.
# For example package with name `@sygnum/solidity-edge-dchf-contracts` will use this URL for download
npm config set @sygnum:registry https://gitlab.com/api/v4/packages/npm/
# Add the token for the scoped packages URL. This will allow you to download
# `@sygnum/` packages from private projects.
npm config set '//gitlab.com/api/v4/packages/npm/:_authToken' "<your_access_token>"
Now you are able to install and use all private npm packages within the @sygnum gitlab org.
npm i --save-dev @sygnum/solidity-edge-dchf-contracts
Once installed, you can use the contracts in the library by importing them:
pragma solidity 0.5.0;
import "@sygnum/solidity-edge-dchf-contracts/contracts/edge/EdgeToken.sol";
contract MyContract is EdgeToken {
constructor() public {
To keep your system secure, you should always use the installed code as-is, and neither copy-paste it from online sources, nor modify it yourself. The library is designed so that only the contracts and functions you use are deployed, so you don't need to worry about it needlessly increasing gas costs.
First, install all required packages:
npm install
Then run:
npm test
This project is maintained by Sygnum, and developed following our high standards for code quality and security. We take no responsibility for your implementation decisions and any security problems you might experience.
The latest audit was done on November 2020 at commit hash 0bf2c0e1.
Please report any security issues you find to [email protected].