Eureqa is a software tool by Michael Schmidt and Hod Lipson at Cornell for detecting hidden mathematical relationships in quantitative data. The aim of this project is to provide a Eureqa Client for Mathematica, so that Mathematica users can easily connect to a Eureqa server and search through data for relationships. (See this paper for details of the search method used.)
See the client demo here.
The following applications and libraries are required to build this client.
- Eureqa Server
- Mathematica 7
- Boost (libraries: system, serialization, date_time, and thread)
- CMake
The source code is available on github. No binaries are available.
$ git clone git://
$ cd eureqa-mathematica-client
$ cmake .
$ make
$ make install
The client should build on Mac OS X and Linux without issue provided you have the dependencies outlined above. Building the client on Windows gave me some trouble, so for the time being I recommend only trying it on Windows if you are willing to get your hands dirty with some development; however, I welcome any patches to make building on Windows easier.
Once the client has been built and installed, it can be accessed from within Mathematica with the following commands.
In[1]:= <<EureqaClient`
In[2]:= ?EureqaSearch
Here is an example of how to perform a search within Mathematica.
In[3]:= data = Table[{t,Sin[t]},{t,0,4 Pi, 0.1}]
In[4]:= EureqaSearch[data, "x = f(t)", VariableLabels -> {"t", "x"},
Host -> ""]
The client currently
- can only handle one connection;
- needs more documentation;
- does no auto plots; and
- does not calculate different error metrics automatically.
If you have Mathematica Workbench, I would be indebted to you for creating the documentation templates.
I welcome help making the Windows build and installation work. I think the trouble lies somewhere in the FindMathLink CMake module.
I am currently electing to be conservative and license this under the GNU General Public License; however, I am open to considering other licenses, if anyone wants to suggest a better license for this project.
Thanks to Michael Schmidt and Hod Lipson for making such a fine tool available.
Thanks to Todd Gayley for A MathLink Tutorial.
Thanks to Kashif Rasul, Jan Woetzel, Bart Janssen and Roel Jordans for their work on the FindMathLink CMake module.
Written by Shane Celis on 2010-06-06.