SWifty Dashboard provides UI for Swifty serverless platform. Swifty backend is available here https://github.com/swiftycloud/swifty
# configure an API client
cp swifty.config.json.example swifty.config.json
vi swifty.config.json
# set up nginx
cp nginx.conf.example nginx.conf
vi nginx.conf
# copy default or your logo
cp static/logo.svg.example static/logo.svg
cp static/logo-white.svg.example static/logo-white.svg
# create volumes for certbot (if doesn't exists)
docker volume create certs
docker volume create certs-data
# run deploy script
# run or re-create docker container
docker-compose up -d
Now the application is available at http(s)://DOMAIN_NAME in the browser
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
mailto: [email protected]
(С) Vladimir Porokhov, 2021