Swagger-codegen 2.1.2 Released!
This is the first formal release of swagger-codegen with 2.0 spec support. Many thanks to the community for furthering the development of swagger and especially to @wing328 and @xhh (among others) for their generous contributions to the project.
Please note! We have repackaged the project from com.wordnik to io.swagger. The code API is the same!
Usage notes
Swagger-codegen has a fresh new command-line interface, and can be run, stand-alone or as a web-service from open-source tools.
Major changes
With the added support in swagger-parser, swagger-codegen now supports more complete swagger 2.0 specifications as well as YAML file formats.
Added support for c++ in the QT5 framework, as well as Perl, and Swift.
Notable features
- added C# generator #373, #399, #665
- Better support for 1.2 specs #606
- Improved PHP support #614, #622, #103, #635, #628
- Python support improvement #594, 595
- Improved Ruby template support #253
- Auto-generated method naming improvements #639, #274
- Java client support improvement #305, #690, #445
- Objc client support improvement #638, #633
- Switched to native JSON parsing for Android #687