If you use the text-based ledger system ie beancount, and feel the need for a tools to track your expenses against your budget, then this tool may be what you need.
is a simple tool to read beancount ledger files as input and generate simple budget report based on the budget entries within the input beancount file.
The simplest way to install and use budget-report
is via pip:
pip install budget-report
, for installing globally
pip install budget-report --user
, if you want to install for local user
or, if you'd prefer to clone this repo instead of installing from PyPI, issue the followng command inside the project folder.
pip install .
Using budget-report
with your beancount files is a three step process:
- Specify your budget in the beancount files,
- Specifying the transactions to include in a particular budget and
- Generate budget report using
script provided by this package.
You specify your budget by entering a sequenct of beancount custom
directives in the following format:
<Date> custom "budget" <Account> <Period> <Amount> <Currency>
- Date is in the formate YYYY-MM-DD,
- Account is the name of the account you want to specify budget followed by 2 or more spaces,
- Period is the applicable period of the budget ie one of "year", "biannual", "quarter", "month", "week" or "day"
- Amount is a number specifying the budget amount allocated for this account,
- Currency is the currency in which budget is specified.
Here is an example budget:
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Liabilities:CreditCard "month" 10000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:Car:Fuel "month" 5000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:Clothing "month" 10000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:Education:Fees "month" 11000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:Food:DiningOut "month" 3000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:Groceries "month" 50000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:Medicine "month" 2000 RS
2021-12-06 custom "budget" Expenses:PocketMoney "month" 10000 RS
Please note that:
a. Any budgets entries in the beancount file would override any previously specified entries for the same account.
b. The budget entries could also be put into a separate file such as mybudget.bean
and included into your main ledger file as below:
include "mybudget.bean"
By default, bean-report
includes all transactions with dates falling within the specified budget report period (ie via the -p or --period switch on command line). If no report period is given, the period is assumed to be "month" (ie current month's budget report would be generated).
a. The default start and/or end date(s) may be overridden by giving other values as command line arguments (-s and -e options), which would then overried the reports's start and end dates. This may be usefule when say, you are generating report of one month (or other period), but some of the tranactions from a previous (or next) month/period should actually be counted in this budget's report.
a. Budget name tags can also be used in your beancount ledger to identify/enclose transactions to include in a budget report. Then the same tag may be specified at the command line while generating the budget report.
Tags can be used in your beancount ledger to specify transactions to include in a particular budget report. The easiest way is to use beancount pushtag
and poptag
directive as below. However, individullay tagging each transaction with a tag should also work.
pushtag #Budget-Dec21 ; or any tag you want to use to name your budget!
<< transactions go here! >>
poptag #Budget-Dec21
Later, you can specify the same tag at budget-report
command line using -t
or --tag
option, while generating budget report.
Note: If budget-report
encounters a posting in the ledger with the budget tag, it is included into the bugetted postings regardless of the existence a corresponding budget
directive. If no corresponding budget
directive entry is found, an entry for the posting account with zero budget value is automatically added for this purpose.
Another way to tell budget-report
which ledger entries to include in budget calculation, is to give it a start date (-s
or --start-date
command line option) and/or an end date (-e
or --end-date
command line option). budget-report
will include all transactions in the ledger falling at or after the given start date and at or before the given end date.
Note: Both the tag and start/end dates could be given together to fine tune the filtering, if that makes sense in your case.
After you have added the budget entries in your beancount file, you can generate the budget report by calling the budget-report
script provided by this package from your shell console as below:
$ budget-report -t Budget-Dec21 /path/to/your/beancount_file.bean
, or
$ budget-report -s 2021-12-01 -e 2021-12-31 /path/to/your/beancount_file.bean
It would generate output similar to that shown below:
Budget Report:
Period: 'month' (2021-12-01 to 2021-12-31)
Total Income: 150,000.00
Total Budget: 108,000.00
Budget Surplus/Deficit: 42,000.00
Account Budget Expense (%) Remaining (%)
----------------------- -------- --------- ----- ----------- -----
Liabilities:CreditCard 10000.0 5000.0 50.0 5000.0 50.0
Expenses:Car:Fuel 5000.0 1000.0 20.0 4000.0 80.0
Expenses:Clothing 10000.0 5000.0 50.0 5000.0 50.0
Expenses:Education:Fees 11000.0 5000.0 45.5 6000.0 54.5
Expenses:Food:DiningOut 10000.0 3000.0 30.0 7000.0 70.0
Expenses:Gardening 0.0 2000.0 -2000.0
Expenses:Groceries 50000.0 10800.0 21.6 39200.0 78.4
Expenses:Medicine 2000.0 1000.0 50.0 1000.0 50.0
Expenses:PocketMoney 10000.0 6000.0 60.0 4000.0 40.0
Totals 108000.0 38800.0 35.9 69200.0 64.1
a. If end date is omitted, all entries in the ledger at/after the start date would be included in the computation.
b. If start date is omitted, and only end date is given, all entries at/before the end date would be included.
c. If both tag and start/end dates are given, bothe will be used to filter the entries in the ledger.
You can get help about all budget-report
options at the command line using the -h switch.
usage: budget-report [-h] [-v] [-V] [-t TAG] [-s START_DATE] [-e END_DATE] [-p PERIOD] filename
Budget report for beancount files
positional arguments:
filename Name of beancount file to process
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version Print version number and exit
-V, --verbose Print verbose output for errors
-t TAG, --tag TAG Budget tag to use
-s START_DATE, --start-date START_DATE
Budget start date
-e END_DATE, --end-date END_DATE
Budget end date
-p PERIOD, --period PERIOD
Budget period