a bot to manage MicroDAOs (mDAO) through discord slash commands
Easy af
just pick a name separated by dashes if more than one word like my-dao, dao, dao-100, as this is gonna be the mDAO's contract name
pick the dissent period from 1 day (144 bitcoin blocks) up to 5 days (5 * 144 bitcoin blocks)
if you don't wanna be alone (which is okay), pick your fellow members (you don't need to include yourself) using the member1, member2,.... member7 fields
press enter and you'll have a link where you would confirm the mDAO deployment with your web wallet
just put the description, specify grantees and grant amounts from 1 and up to 10 grants are possible
then you'll have to select the DAO and afterwards you'll have a link to confirm the funding proposal creation transaction using your web wallet
select the mDAO and then the proposal you'd like to dissent to, and you'll get a link to confirm the bla bla bla using your bla bla bla
select mDAO then proposal then link would be to confirm exeuction
select mDAO then proposal then you'll see the info about the proposal and call to action if avaiable to either dissent or execute or nothing at all