#labels Featured = Overview =
This struts2 plugin is designed to redirect request in http or https mode based on a annotation available in class or method level.
= Features =
- Annotation and Non-annotation based usage
- Class level or method level annotation usage
- Port configuration
- configuration using constants (In version 1.1)
= Usage =
The plug-in extends struts-default so you can extend the "ssl-default" package to get these additional features.
= Examples =
- How to configure all actions in a package to go in https mode. Note: Setting the useAnnotations property to false will override the default behavior of the plugin to ignore the annotation and make every action in the package to redirect in https mode.
<!-- How to Configureing the Interceptor to use user sepecified properties.-->
<interceptor-stack name="secureStack">
<interceptor-ref name="secure">
<param name="useAnnotations">false</param>
<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
<action name="index" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.IndexAction">
<action name="index1" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.IndexAction" method="execute1">
<action name="helloWorld" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.HelloWorldAction">
<result name="input">/jsp/index.jsp</result>
<action name="helloWorld1" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.HelloWorldAction" method="execute1">
<result name="input">/jsp/index1.jsp</result>
- How to configure the plugin to use user specified ports Note: setting the httpPort or httpsPort will override the default ports used by the plugin (8080 and 8443) , based on the annotation (@Secured) available in the class level or method level redirection will happen.
<!-- How to Configureing the Interceptor to use user sepecified ports.-->
<interceptor-stack name="secureStack">
<interceptor-ref name="secure">
<param name="httpsPort">443</param>
<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
<action name="index" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.IndexAction">
<action name="index1" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.IndexAction" method="execute1">
<action name="helloWorld" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.HelloWorldAction">
<result name="input">/jsp/index.jsp</result>
<action name="helloWorld1" class="com.googlecode.sslplugin.example.HelloWorldAction" method="execute1">
<result name="input">/jsp/index1.jsp</result>
- How to configure all the methods in the class to redirect in https mode. Note: if the @Secured annotation is present in the class level all the action methods will redirect in https mode.
{{{ @Secured public class IndexAction extends ActionSupport {
// configure the logger for this class
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IndexAction.class);
* This method is called in https mode, as it has the @Secured annotation in class level.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String execute() throws Exception {
log.info("Inside execute() method");
return SUCCESS;
* This method is called in https mode, as it has the @Secured annotation in class level.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String execute1() throws Exception {
log.info("Inside execute1() method");
return SUCCESS;
} }}}
- How to configure specific methods in a class to redirect in https mode. Note : only the action method execute1() method will redirect in https mode as @Secured annotation is only present in that method.
{{{ public class IndexAction extends ActionSupport {
// configure the logger for this class
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IndexAction.class);
* This method will not be called in https mode.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String execute() throws Exception {
log.info("Inside execute() method");
return SUCCESS;
* This method is called in https mode, as it has the @Secured annotation
* @return
* @throws Exception
public String execute1() throws Exception {
log.info("Inside execute1() method");
return SUCCESS;
} }}}
= Settings =
The following settings can be customized.
- httpsPort – https port number to use
- httpPort – http port number to use
- useAnnotations – true/false to use annotations or not.
= Configuration reference =
- Only support in version 1.1 or higher *
Add a constant element to your struts config file to change the value of a configuration setting, like:
{{{ }}}
|| Name || Default Value || Description || ||struts2.sslplugin.httpPort||8080||http port use for redirection|| ||struts2.sslplugin.httpsPort||8443||https port use for redirection|| ||struts2.sslplugin.annotations||true||use annotations||
= Installation =
This plug-in can be installed by copying the plug-in jar into your application's /WEB-INF/lib directory. No other files need to be copied or created