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Releases: streamingfast/substreams-uniswap-v3


22 Mar 16:04
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  • Fixed total_supply incorrectly sent as String to graph-node while it should have been BigInt.
  • Building from substreams-patch-over-0.2.9.yaml to reuse the caches from v0.2.9

v0.2.9 - Do not use

20 Mar 21:01
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Erratum: output format for totalSupply is invalid, output as string instead of BigInt, breaking inside graph-node.

Fix token decimals issue:

Token decimals can take any numeric value. Before this release, if the decimal number did not fit in a u64, the substreams would panic.

With this release, if the token decimals are bigger than 255, we will log the token/pool that we are ignoring.
Anything under the threshold of 255 are considered valid tokens.

Release 0.2.8

05 Jun 20:49
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Update q192 to use real computed q192 value instead of truncated js value to have more precise values and closer to the real value mathematically.

Javascript Engine 2^192 computed value: 6277101735386681000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Real value of 2^192: 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896

Release 0.2.7

24 May 19:34
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preparing rel for v0.2.7

Release v0.2.6

24 May 15:46
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Fixed issue with tvlUSD on token, TokenDayData and TokenHourData where the token_tvl value was wrongfully fetched from the store.

Release v0.2.5

24 May 14:11
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Fix issue with "open" and "close" being reinitialized when a token was used for a transaction in a pool.

Release v0.2.4

18 May 18:00
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Fix liquidities when computing the derived eth price of token 0 and token 1.

Release v0.2.3

17 May 18:23
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Fix issue with liquidities check when looping over the storage changes.

Release v0.2.2

17 May 13:06
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Fix issue for store_pool_liquidities which was setting all the liquidities for the pools at ordinal 0. This caused issues when computing the derived_eth_prices for token0 and token1 because we were wrongfully matching liquidities for pools which didn't really have any liquidities.

Release 0.2.1

12 May 13:21
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Latest fix to the TokenDayData, TokenHourData, PoolDayData and PoolHourData properly created entities.

Note The version in the substreams.yaml is still stated as 0.1.5-beta as it was forgotten to bump the version to 0.2.1.