Of course you need Java. By now, you should be using at least Java 8.
Get it here.
Hopefully you already have git, if you don't it's about time ;)
Get it here.
This is the most used Clojure build tool. It will setup almost everything for you.
Get it here.
If you don't have it already, community edition works fine.
Get it here.
Cursive is a very good plugin. Unfortunately not free, but you should get a free trial.
Installation instructions here.
git clone https://github.com/stoyle/clojure-workshop.git
Execute the following command in the downloaded git workspace:
lein do clean, deps, midje, uberjar
In IntelliJ, select "File -> Open". Navigate to wherever you checked out the files, and click "Ok".
In IntelliJ, select "Run -> Edit configurations -> +
-> Clojure REPL -> Local -> Ok"
Run the REPL (e.g. press the "play" button). You should be set up. You can try typing in
(println "Hello world")
and press enter. It should print "Hello world" followed by
=> nil
Cursive does ship some key bindings, they may be different on your system. The ones listed below, are default for "Mac OS X 10.5+". In any case it is a good idea to get to familiar at least with the following bindings.
In latest Cursive with IDEA 2019.x, key bindings are found under "Settings -> Keymap -> Plugins -> Cursive".
- "Load file in REPL" -
Shift - Command - l
Lets you evaluate an entire file, and also switch namespace. - "Send form before caret to REPL" - Not set, suggestion
Ctrl - Alt - b
Lets you evaluate a single expression, before the caret. - "Send top form to REPL" - Not set, suggestion
Ctrl - Alt - f
Lets you evaluate the top level expression of the position of the caret.
If you are a bit more savvy, I would recommend setting up all of the Par Edit bindings (slurp/barf/join/kill/splice etc.). You should however be fine without these in the workshop.
Don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Copyright © 2019 Alf Kristian Støyle
Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.