- You will need to:
- Install requirements.
- Install Elasticsearch
- Install Cassandra
- Install harvesters
- Install rabbitmq
- Create and enter virtual environment for scrapi, and go to the top level project directory. From there, run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
and the python requirements for the project will download and install.
note: JDK 7 must be installed for Cassandra and Elasticsearch to run
$ brew install cassandra
$ brew install elasticsearch
Now, just run
$ cassandra
$ elasticsearch
Or, if you'd like your cassandra session to be bound to your current session, run:
$ cassandra -f
and you should be good to go.
- Just run
$ python server.py
from the scrapi/website/ directory, and the server should be up and running!
- To set up harvesters for the first time, Just run
invoke init_harvesters
and the harvesters specified in the manifest files of the worker_manager, and their requirements, will be installed.
$ brew install rabbitmq
$ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
- from the top-level project directory run:
$ invoke celery_beat
to start the scheduler, and
$ invoke celery_worker
to start the worker.
- To run the tests for the project, just type
$ invoke test
and all of the tests in the 'tests/' directory will be run.