Gmail and Noty inspired notification for AngularJS
Step 1: Installation through bower
bower install angular-notys
Step 2: AngularJS project set up
Add angular-noty as a dependency in your angular project
angular.module('your_app_name', ['angular-noty'])
Add angular-noty directive to the line after your
<div noty-container></div>
Finally inject noty to your services/controllers
["$scope", "noty", function ($scope, noty,) {
**Step 3: To call noty **
text: "Deleted an email",
ttl: 1000000, //time to live in miliseconds
type: "default", //success, warning
options: ['Undo', 'Dismiss'],
optionsCallBack: function callback(optionClicked, optionIndexClicked) {
//handling code for options clicked