This is demo to upload image and create image vector in the neo4j database .
Later vector is used for image search
Flow :
We convert images to vectors using TensorFlow and store these vectors as properties in Neo4j.
By utilizing Neo4j's vector index feature, we can run cosine similarity algorithms on these vectors to find similarities.
Additionally, a website built on Flask can be used to upload images and perform searches based on these vectors.
There is different script for downloading images from internet and upload to neo4j
Configration in Neo4j
Neo4j version : 5.20.0
Install APOC : apoc-5.20.0-core.jar
Create vector index
CALL db.index.vector.createNodeIndex('imageCosine', 'Image', 'vectorCosine', 2048, 'cosine');
CALL db.index.vector.createNodeIndex('imageEuclidean', 'Image', 'vectorEuclidean', 2048, 'euclidean'); // Optional
Configration for Flask website
- pip install -r requirment.txt
- export
- Edit (line 12) with correct neo4j connection string
- flask run --port 5002
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j+s://", auth=("neo4j", "auraIDpassword"))
Bulk download and upload of images
To download use : ImageSearch/bulkUpload/upload/
This will read images_full.csv and download as per that .
To get csv :
To upload to Neo4j : ImageSearch/bulkUpload/
This will upload images to neo4j . Edit the connection string for neo4j connection
For better performance to create image vector install CUDS drivers
Cypher to upload image vector
CREATE (I:Image {name: $name,desc:$desc})-[:Original]->(:Originalbase64 {base64:$base64})
CREATE (I)-[:Compress]-> (:Compress{base64:$compressed_base64_str})
CALL db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(I, "vectorCosine", $vector)
Cypher to search image vector
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('imageCosine', 5, $vector)
YIELD node AS similarAbstract, score