A Python (3.9+) library for relational stream analysis. Define sequences ("flows") of events, each of which may depend on a previous event in the flow, and collect all such flows from a stream. This is particularly useful for analyzing network captures, as after identifying a certain flow of events (e.g. a series of network requests used to authenticate a user), this library can be used to easily filter out all such flows from a larger capture. This is highly resilient to extraneous requests occurring in the middle of long-running flows, so it can easily be used to target individual applications within complete network captures from system-wide MITM attacks.
It can be a bit hard to wrap your head around what this library does just from a written description, so let's take a look at a code example. The following shows a class which can be used to analyze a stream of strings, filtering out sequences with a predefined format. However, the included classes are fully generic, so a similar Flow
could easily be created for a stream of HTTP requests.
import re
from typing import Optional
from relational_stream import Flow, RelationalStream
class SomeStringFlow(Flow[str]):
Simple flow example to identify a sequence of strings using regex. This flow will match a series
of the events in the form::
"start A"
"A -> B or C"
"B" OR "C"
first_char: Optional[str] = None
second_char_options: Optional[set[str]] = None
second_char_choice: Optional[str] = None
r"start (\w)",
r"(\w) -> (\w) or (\w)",
def is_next_event(self, event: str) -> bool:
if len(self.events) == 0:
match = re.match(self.EVENT_REGEXES[0], event)
if match is None:
return False
self.first_char = match[1]
return True
elif len(self.events) == 1:
match = re.match(self.EVENT_REGEXES[1], event)
if match is None or match[1] != self.first_char:
return False
self.second_char_options = {match[2], match[3]}
return True
else: # len(self.events) == 2
assert self.second_char_options is not None
match = re.match(self.EVENT_REGEXES[2], event)
if match is None or match[1] not in self.second_char_options:
return False
self.second_char_choice = match[1]
return True
def is_complete(self) -> bool:
return len(self.events) == 3
stream = RelationalStream([SomeStringFlow])
stream.ingest("start A")
stream.ingest("A -> B or C")
stream.ingest("A -> D or E")
# len(stream.incomplete_flows(SomeStringFlow)) == 0
# len(stream.completed_flows(SomeStringFlow)) == 1
# stream.completed_flows(SomeStringFlow)[0].first_char == "A"
# stream.completed_flows(SomeStringFlow)[0].second_char_options == {"B", "C"}
# stream.completed_flows(SomeStringFlow)[0].second_char_choice == "B"
As you can see, the addition of extraneous data in the middle of the stream has no effect on the completed flows. A need for this resilience when developing tools to analyze network captures was the primary motivation for developing this library.
pip3 install relational-stream