RedBeanPHP is an easy to use ORM tool for PHP.
- Automatically creates tables and columns as you go
- No configuration, just fire and forget
- No complicated package tools, no autoloaders, just ONE file
Just open your composer.json file and add the package name (e.g. "gabordemooij/redbean": "dev-master")
in your require list.
"require": {
"gabordemooij/redbean": "dev-master"
If you not using composer then try it.
How we store a book object with RedBeanPHP:
$book = R::dispense("book");
$book->author = "Santa Claus";
$book->title = "Secrets of Christmas";
$id = R::store( $book );
Yep, it's that simple.
For more information about RedBeanPHP please consult the RedBeanPHP website: