- RESTful API Backend using ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web API and MVC for roles.
- Angular 6.
- Database - Entity Framework Core.
- Jwt token authorization using Bearer schema.
- AutoMapper.
- EF databse - Code First.
- Data access using Services.
- AutoMapper (data to view models).
- CORS policty enabled in the Startup.cs (for POST, PUT, DELETE, GET).
- Jwt token - user's roles, username and email.
- Simple "item" model used for full CRUD APIs.
- Logger messages on the console.
- Database auto migrations.
- Angular lazy loading routes, services, guards and http interceptors.
- Default administrator
- Username: admin
- Password: admin12
- Default user
- Username: test-user
- Password: test12
- Default roles are: Admin, Test, Test2
For the sake of simplicity in the angular project all the successful and error messages are been logged on the console.