This repo is umbrella (summary) repo for all my projects deal with processing of different languages: compilation, porting, transformation, experiments etc.
Implementation of ASL for .NET (on F# language)
My solution of cppgm
My old project for creation links between .NET API reference and Java API reference
Experiments, short tasks, simple utils etc deals with processing of different languages: compilation, porting, transformation, experiments etc.
Porter of examples from C# into Python.
Old source code analysis tool intended for checking ability of porting from C# into C++.
New source code analysis tool intended for checking ability of porting from C# into C++, Python etc.
Source code simplification tool intended for converting some specific constructions of C# into more simple ones for simplification of further porting process into another languages (e.g. string interpolation, object initializers etc).
Converter of documentation in the XML format for doxygen into the "markdown" format for HUGO.