prosit@transformer:~$ pip install -e .
Everything that is required will be install except for Nvidia Apex. Install it here: However, only training requires Nvidia Apex
You can download the TAPE LMDB training data from this link. You can also convert Prosit HDF5-files to TAPE LMDB data by using this command:
prosit@transformer:~$ prosit2tape \
--prosit_hdf5_path /path/to/file.hdf5 \
--out_dir /path/to/data \
--split test
You will need at least the Hold out file for benchmarking Prosit Transformer model. You can download it here:\_Prosit_fragmentation_-_Data/12937092
It's the hcd files that's being used.
You can download the torch and tensorflow version of the prosit transformer can be downloaded separately.
Warning: It's highly recommended to create a new environment and install tape at and install Nvidia-apex. There will most likely be compatibility issues with Nvidia-apex and torch running "tape-train" in the same environment as prosittransformer.
prosit@transformer:~$ tape-train \
transformer \
prosit_fragmentation \
--batch_size BS \
--learning_rate LR \
--warmup_steps WS \
--gradient_accumulation_steps GAS \
--fp16 \
--data_dir /path/to/data \
--patience P \
--num_train_epochs EPOCHS \
--output_dir /path/to/result \
--log_dir /path/to/log \
--exp_name NAME \
--model_config_file /path/to/config/file.json
We have an example config file at config/prosittransformer.json
In order to convert the Torch model to TensorFlow use:
prosit@transformer:~$ torch2tf \
--torch_model /path/to/torch_model \
--lmdb /path/to/tape/data \
--tf_model path/to/tf_model
To make predictions, you need Prosit HDF5-files to get correctly formatted result-files for further validation and downstream analysis.
Download HDF5-files
prosit@transformer:~$ bash
To make prediction you can use either
prosit@transformer:~$ predictTorch \
--model /path/to/torch_model \
--lmdb /path/to/lmdb_data \
--split test \
--out_dir /path/to/predict_result
--prosit_hdf5_path /path/to/prosit/file_test.hdf5
prosit@transformer:~$ predictTF \
--model /path/to/TF_model \
--lmdb /path/to/lmdb_data \
--split test \
--out_dir /path/to/predict_result \
--prosit_hdf5_path /path/to/prosit/file_test.hdf5
To test if the converted TF model works pass the result files after running the predict functions mentioned above
prosit@transformer:~$ validate \
--tf_hdf5 /path/to/predict_result/tfResult.hdf5 \
--torch_hdf5 /path/to/predict_result/torchResult.hdf5
To get a Prosit report you need to make a predicton with any of the functions mentioned above to get result.hdf5 file. You also need prosit hdf5-file which you can get by running
Download HDF5-files
prosit@transformer:~$ bash
To get Prosit report run:
prosit@transformer:~/prositReport$ cd prositReport
prosit@transformer:~$ cd Rscript report.R \
--val_file /path/to/predict_result/tfResult.hdf5 \
--ho_file /path/to/prosit/file_test.hdf5 \
--out_dir /path/to/report
prosit@transformer:~$ ceCalibration \
--torch_model /path/to/model \
--lmdb /path/to/LMDB \
--out_dir /path/to/output