Add and configure aws
CLI into your BOSH deployments.
source /var/vcap/jobs/awscliv2/env
aws s3 ls
Update the aws CLIv2 download link in the script
to get the current version.
Run ./
which will create the blobs directory with the downloaded file.
- Check the version of aws cli in blob
Run the script
Notes: For M1 Macbook users modify the script as indicated:
ROOT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd $ROOT
rm -rf tmp/awscli
mkdir tmp/awscli
unzip -qq -d tmp/awscli blobs/awscliv2/
# For M1 Mac users add “--platform linux/x86_64” after “docker run”
docker run -ti -v $PWD/tmp/awscli:/awscli ubuntu /awscli/aws/dist/aws --version
# rm -rf tmp/awscli
- Create a Dev release:
bosh create-release --force
- Test the Dev release by uploading it to a test enviroment
bosh upload-release /path/to/dev/release
. - Edit a BOSH deployment manifest pointing to the Dev release.
Blobs should be saved into release blobstore before cutting a new final release. Create a config/private.yml as follow:
access_key_id: <access_key_id>
secret_access_key: <secret_access_key>
Upload the blobs by running: bosh upload-blobs
Commit all the changes made in the directory
The compiled releases are done through the concourse pipeline. They are done against stemcells. To cut a compiled release against ubuntu-xenial or ubuntu-bionic do the following:
- Check the following files pipeline.yml, ci/scripts/export-release, ci/scripts/use-compiled-releases and manifests/awscliv2.yml.
- if the desired stemcell is presents in them go to 5. If no, go to 3.
- Modify the stemcell in the pipeline.yml, ci/scripts/export-release, ci/scripts/use-compiled-releases and manifests/awscliv2.yml.
- run the script ./repipe
- Use the Concourse UI to run the builds
- Start generating compiled release under the Compile-release group.