The project aims to develop a smart LED lighting system, which is remotely controlled by Android apps via handheld devices, e.g., smartphones, tablets, and so forth. A color pallet is shown on the app from which the user can select a color combination to be emitted by LED Bulb. Arduino Uno is used as Backend device to control the LED.
So what do you need for this Project:
- Arduino Uno Atmega or any other similar microcontroller.
- Some Jumper Wires Male to Female & Male to Male.
- Bread Board.
- RGB LEDs having 4 pins.
- ESP8266-01 Wifi Module.
- Wifi Enabled Android Smartphone.
- Android Studio.
- Arduino IDE.
- ESP Download Tool (Attached).
- ESP AT Firmare (Attached).
- Android Studio and Java Programming.
- Arduino Ide and little bit knowledge of C/C++.
To get started follow these steps:
- Open ESP8266 folder and follow the on that folder to flash firmware to ESP.
- Open Arduino folder and follow the on that folder to upload program to arduino.
- Open Android folder and follow the on that folder to install android application to the android smartphone.
There you go, Happy Programming! Good Luck with Arduino and Esp.