This is a practice implementation of 7GUIs. It uses WPF and ReactiveUI as a base.
This is a trivial implementation. ViewModel contains a command that adds 1 to a bindable property every time it's called.
The command is bound to the <Button>
in the UI.
There are several approaches here.
No viewmodel needed. The Fahrenheit
can be relative-bound to to the CelsiusTextBox.Text
through a converter withConvert()
(that does C->F conversion) andConvertBack()
(F->C). -
(current implementation) ViewModel stores a
bindable properties.Celsius
setter updates theFahrenheit
private field and raisesPropertyChanged(Fahrenheit)
Setting the private field is preferred to using the public setter directly: Fahrenheit = value * 9...
. Calling the Fahrenheit
setter would trigger an update to Celsius
, triggering a set to Fahrenheit
, and so on, leading to an infinite loop.
Having decimal? Celsius/Fahrenheit
properties serves several purposes. If the user hasn't entered anything, both TextBoxes would be empty instead of showing 0.0
If the user enters non-numerics, WPF's binding conversion throws an exception due to different types (string in UI, decimal? in VM).
- ReactiveUI commands and calculated properties. The viewmodel would look like this:
CalculateCelsiusCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<decimal, decimal?>(CalculateCelsius);
_celsius = CalculateCelsiusCommand.ToProperty(this, x => x.Celsius);
private static decimal? CalculateCelsius(decimal value)
return (value - 32) * (5m / 9m);
The view would invoke the respective commands on KeyUp
and would be bound one-way from the Celsius/Fahrenheit
source properties.
.Select(ev => ((TextBox)ev.Source).Text)
.Where(t => decimal.TryParse(t, out _))
.InvokeCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.CalculateFahrenheitCommand);
<TextBox Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding Celsius, Mode=OneWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" x:Name="Celsius" />