TopPass NFC Re-Writer SICRE31/41 firmware for Arduino
This RWD was designed for demostration of "TopPASS" - NFC Smart Ticketing System. There are tree kinds of operational modes:
Ticket Validation Mode (Mode 1):
- Initailzed by STAFF wristband, and load EVENT access pass to RWD.
- STAFF wristband created by WASHOW adminstration pass (4Bytes).
Cashless Payment Mode (Mode 2):
- According to EVENT pass to check the balance of TopPASS ticket.
- Automatic "TopUP" to 250 pt. was enable when insufficient balance was occurred.
- Each tap will display balance first, and keep ticket in-the-field at least 1.5 sec. deduct 50 pt. one times.
Security Guard Mode (Mode 3):
- Turn ON the R/W memories protection from addr.0x20
- Two kinds of tag ICs, SIC43NT and NTAG213, were supported.