Laravel 5 flash messages, originally developed after the Laracasts video tutorial on the same topic: Flexible Flash Messages.
$ composer require squareboat/flash
Once installation operation is complete, simply add both the service provider and facade classes to your project's config/app.php
'Flash' => SquareBoat\Flash\Facades\Flash::class,
Package default provides bootstrap ready alert view. Just include flash::message
file to your main layout in blade:
or if you don't use blade:
<?= view('flash::message') ?>
If you need to modify the flash message partials, you can run:
php artisan vendor:publish
The package view will now be located in the resources/views/vendor/flash
And that's it! With your coffee in reach, start flashing out messages!
Within your controllers, before you perform a redirect...
public function create()
// do something awesome...
flash()->success('Resource created successfully!');
return redirect()->route('dashboard');
Flash::success('This is a success message.');
flash()->success('This is a success message.');
Flash::info('This is an info message.');
flash()->info('This is an info message.');
Flash::warning('This is a warning message.');
flash()->warning('This is a warning message.');
Flash::error('This is an error message.');
flash()->error('This is an error message.');
Flash::info('This is an important message.')->important();
flash('This is an important message.')->important();
A common desire is to display a flash message for a few seconds, and then hide it. To handle this, write a simple bit of JavaScript. For example, using jQuery, you might add the following snippet just before the closing tag.
This will find any alerts - excluding the important ones, which should remain until manually closed by the user - wait three seconds, and then fade them out.
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