Refer run experiment code. If you want to split csv file into n pairs(training data and test data).
- rMTFL: run example_rMTFL.m
- Lasso: run example_Lasso.m
- Trace: run example_Trace.m
- Dirty: run example_Dirty.m
Multi-Task GBDT
- run main.cpp
- log_path: The file path for storing log
- path: The path of dataset
- eval_metric: evaluation for performance
- dataset_name: dataset name
- feature_size: The number of feature
- task_num: The number of task
- max_num_round: The iterations of two-staged model
- common_num_round: The max iterations of common training stage
- regularization: The regularization of gain score (options: entropy, variance)
- beta: The coefficient of variance (The value is zero for entropy-based method)
- early_stopping_round: like xgboost (0 indicate does not use it, default value is 10)
Results from the real datasets for RMSE over 10 repetitions. The statistically best model is highlighted in bold.
(Independent-XGBoost: Train T models for T tasks, Aggregate-XGBoost: Train one model for T tasks(regard T tasks as one task))
Dataset | Measure | Trace | LASSO | rMTFL | Dirty | Independent-XGBoost | Aggregate-XGBoost | Variance-based Multi-Task GBDT | Entropy-based Multi-Task GBDT |
school | RMSE | 11.452 +/- 0.012 | 11.216 +/- 0.010 | 10.467 +/- 0.027 | 10.411 +/- 0.029 | 10.767 +/- 0.007 | 11.099 +/- 0.012 | 8.993 +/- 0.232 | 8.998 +/- 0.239 |
author = {Ya{-}Lin Zhang and
Longfei Li},
title = {Interpretable {MTL} from Heterogeneous Domains using Boosted Tree},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th {ACM} International Conference on Information
and Knowledge Management, {CIKM} 2019, Beijing, China, November 3-7,
pages = {2053--2056},
year = {2019},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/cikm/2019},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3357384.3358072},
timestamp = {Mon, 04 Nov 2019 11:09:32 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}