The main enhancement:
- Lots of updates from upstream project SpotBugs, FB-contrib, FindSecurityBugs
- Add support for different JVM languages (skirge)
- Allow to run/configured SpotBugs outside of Sonar (for advanced user)
Side note: Sonar-FindBugs is looking for contributor that could help managing release and reviewing pull requests. The contributor should have done one or two significant pull requests to the project. Contact @h3xstream
3.6.0 (2017-09-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update XStream #109
- Locating source file for findbugs violation #47
- Add support for Scala #28
- Reuse existing results + Descriptions update + Fix to Multi-language support #133 (h3xstream)
- Enhancements for 3.5 release #110 (h3xstream)
Fixed bugs:
- NullPointerException at java.io.FileInputStream.<init> at org.sonar.plugins.findbugs.resource.ByteCodeResourceLocator.findJavaOuterClassFile #107
- Could not initialize class edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AnalysisContext #91
- findbugs-result.xml contents are not shown in SonarQube Project Dashboard #70
- NPE in ByteCodeResourceLocator during code analysis #38
- Reuse existing results + Descriptions update + Fix to Multi-language support #133 (h3xstream)
- Enhancements for 3.5 release #110 (h3xstream)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix JSP rules being include both in JSP profiles and Java rules.. #137 (h3xstream)
- Rules and profile update + Test fix #132 (VinodAnandan)
- Update Dependencies #129 (VinodAnandan)
- Add support for different JVM languages - see issue #28 #127 (skirge)
- Updating fb-contrib dependency #126 (senatori)
- Updated fbcontrib dependency #122 (volphy)
- Describe configuration in README.md #120 (kzaikin)
- Use Spotbugs 3.1.0-RC4 #118 (kzaikin)
- Descriptions update #113 (h3xstream)
- add two rules which was introduced at find-sec-bugs v1.6 #112 (KengoTODA)
- Fix plugin description #111 (KengoTODA)
- Clearly show that SpotBugs is now used instead of Findbugs #106 (JnRouvignac)
- Increase version for release #105 (h3xstream)