Implemented enhancements:
- Fail safe when an exception is throw while mapping bug to source #43
- Findbugs analysis fails again for package-info.java #36
- Analysis with 3.4.1 fails for modules with only testclasses #33
- Smap improvements and bug fixes #44 (h3xstream)
Fixed bugs:
- Sonar scan fails if there are no class files available #46
- Issue with vulnerability inside included JSP #42
- violations reported for an outer class by findbugs is not reported as a sonar violation #40
- FindBugs plugin should not start an analysis if no rules are enable #37
- Findbugs analysis fails again for package-info.java #36
- Analysis with 3.4.1 fails for modules with only testclasses #33
- Minor refactoring #55 (h3xstream)
- Fix a bug that fail to map bug instance to outer class #40 #45 (h3xstream)
- Smap improvements and bug fixes #44 (h3xstream)
Merged pull requests: