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Maven plugin to execute Jasmine Specs. Creates your HTML runners for you, runs headlessly, outputs JUnit XML


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A Maven Plugin for processing JavaScript sources, specs, and executing Jasmine

If you want to use Maven and test-drive JavaScript, this is the plugin for you!

  • Generates two HTML test runners: one for test-driving locally in your browser, and one to run as part of the build
  • Continuous integration with no added configuration: because the plugin's test goal runs headlessly (thanks HtmlUnit!), your CI system won't need any additional configuration. Your build will fail as soon as your JavaScript tests do.
  • Builds JUnit XML: your CI reporting can incorporate each Jasmine spec alongside any reports of your existing xUnit tests

Option A: Start from the archetype

From the command line, generate a new project using the jasmine-archetype. See the jasmine-archetype project page for more information. Otherwise, just execute this command to get started:

mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeRepository= \
-DarchetypeGroupId=com.github.searls \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=jasmine-archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=1.0.2-SNAPSHOT \
-DgroupId=com.acme \
-DartifactId=my-jasmine-project \

Option B: Add to your existing project

Add the relevant plugin and repositories entries to your project's pom.xml.


Building your project with Jasmine

mvn package

Executing any Maven lifecycle phase after prepare-package will show off everything this plugin has to offer. However, the results will only be useful once you've added some Jasmine specs and JavaScript. Details follow:

###src/main/javascript By default, the plugin expects to find your JavaScript sources (i.e. ninja.js) and dependencies (i.e. lib/prototype.js) in src/main/javascript. However, for most existing projects, it will make more sense to specify where your JS sources are in (usually somewhere in src/main/webapp) and remove the packageResource goal (see "Supporting WTP" below for an example).

###src/test/javascript Store your Jasmine specs (i.e. ninjaSpec.js) in src/test/javascript. No need to create an HTML spec runner, one will be generated and executed for you by the jasmine:test goal!

Example test Output

jasmine-maven-plugin behaves just like maven-surefire-plugin and will fail the build on spec failures (unless haltOnFailure is set to false).

An example of some failing output follows:

	 J A S M I N E   S P E C S
	  occupies the SliceOMatic namespace
	    does not dice
	    when the knob is turned to "Fine"
	      dices quite finely
	      does not cut off fingers
	    when the knob is turned to "Coarse"
	      dices rather roughly
	    when a hand is inserted into the Slice-o-matic
	      is a fantastic idea <<< FAILURE!
	        * Expected 'Are you kidding? That's a terrible idea!' to contain 'Great idea'.

	1 failure:

	  1.) Slice-o-matic #dice when a hand is inserted into the Slice-o-matic it is a fantastic idea <<< FAILURE!
	    * Expected 'Are you kidding? That's a terrible idea!' to contain 'Great idea'.

	7 specs, 1 failures

	[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	[INFO] There were Jasmine spec failures.

Usage Notes

Project layout

The jasmine-maven-plugin presumes a default project directory layout. If this layout doesn't suit your project, fear not, as it's entirely customizable. In addition to everything documented here, you can check the documented source of the base Mojo class to see which properties have been parameterized.

An included example project (in src/test/resources/examples/jasmine-webapp-example) is laid out like this:

|-- pom.xml
|-- src
|   |-- main
|   |   |-- javascript
|   |   |   |-- HelloWorld.js
|   |   |   `-- vendor
|   |   |       `-- jquery-1.4.2.min.js    
|   |   `-- webapp
|   |       `-- index.html
|   `-- test
|       `-- javascript
|           `-- HelloWorldSpec.js
`-- target
    |-- classes
    |-- jasmine
    |   |-- ManualSpecRunner.html
    |   |-- SpecRunner.html
    |   |-- spec
    |   |   `-- HelloWorldSpec.js
    |   `-- src
    |       |-- HelloWorld.js
    |       `-- vendor
    |           `-- jquery-1.4.2.min.js
    |-- jasmine-webapp-example
    |   |-- index.html
    |   `-- js
    |       |-- HelloWorld.js
    |       `-- vendor
    |           `-- jquery-1.4.2.min.js
    `-- jasmine-webapp-example.war

As seen above, by default, the plugin looks for JavaScript placed in src/main/javascript, while test specs are each in src/test/javascript. The plugin supports nested directories and will maintain your directory structure as it processes the source directories.


###jasmine:generateManualRunner This goal binds to the generate-test-sources phase and will generate an extra spec runner HTML (named ManualSpecRunner.html by default) in the jasmine target directory (target/jasmine). This way, you can easily run your specs in the browser as you develop them, while still leaning on the plugin to keep the HTML up-to-date for you. Note that this HTML file is separate from the one generated during jasmine:test, because it points to the source directories directly.

When using the manual runner in a browser, be careful to edit your source & specs in the project's src directory, even though the runner itself runs in target!

###jasmine:resources This goal binds to the process-resources phase and copies the src/main/javascript directory into target/jasmine/src. It can be changed by configuring a parameter named jsSrcDir in the plugin execution section of the POM.

###jasmine:testResources This goal binds to the process-test-resources phase and copies the src/test/javascript directory into target/jasmine/spec. It can be changed by configuring a parameter named jsTestSrcDir in the plugin execution section of the POM.

###jasmine:test This goal binds to the test phase and generates a Jasmine runner file in target/jasmine/SpecRunner.html based on the sources processed by the previous two goals and Jasmine's own dependencies. It will respect the skipTests property, and will not halt processing if haltOnFailure is set to false.

###jasmine:preparePackage This goal binds to the prepare-package phase and copies the production JavaScript sources from target/jasmine/src to /js within the package directory (e.g. target/your-webapp/js). The sub-path can be cleared or changed by setting the packageJavaScriptPath property


jsSrcDir - Supporting WTP (Leaving your JavaScript sources in your webapp directory)

You can run the plugin with all five goals or fewer, if you choose. For instance, if you run your application in Eclipse WTP and you want to keep your production JavaScript in src/main/webapp to facilitate easier iterative development, you could skip the preparePackage goal and configure the jsSrcDir property to point at src/main/webapp/[your-js-directory] instead.

Here's an example POM snippet:


sourceIncludes, sourceExcludes - Specifying patterns to include & exclude scripts

If the load order of your project's JavaScript matters, or if your base JavaScript directory contains script files or directories that shouldn't be included when your Jasmine specs are executed, you can specify string patterns to control which sources get included and excluded (and in which order) by using the sourceIncludes and sourceExcludes configuration elements.

The default includes pattern is "**/*.js" (that is, all files with a "js" extension in all sub-directories of jsSrcDir). When specifying a custom includes pattern to coerce the ordering of the scripts, it usually makes sense to include this pattern at the bottom so that all remaining unmatched scripts are caught.

Example: a project depends on jQuery & a raft of jQuery plugins under the "vendor" directory; your scripts depend on jQuery, so it's imperative that jQuery loads first. Meanwhile, there's a "main.js" file on the root that must be included before your other application scripts:


Building on this example, if there were a script (say, "vendor/ajax.js") in your source directories that didn't need to be included in the runner (perhaps it causes Jasmine execution to fail, or it consumes significant resources without being relevant to your suite of specs), it could be ignored with sourceExcludes like so:


Per the sourceIncludes settings, everything under the vendor directory will still be loaded first, but "vendor/ajax.js" will be excluded from the runner HTML altogether.

specIncludes, specExcludes - Specifying patterns to include & exclude specs

specIncludes and specExcludes are just like sourceIncludes and sourceExcludes, except they govern the files under your jsTestSrcDir base spec directory, as opposed to your production sources in jsSrcDir.

These options will probably come in handy less frequently than their sourceIncludes/sourceExcludes analogues, because the load order of Jasmine spec scripts ought not matter. Still, perhaps an application-wide "spec-helper.js" (or a support library like jasmine-jquery or jasmine-fixture) needs to be loaded before the specs themselves. That can be accomplished like so:


preloadSources - Enforcing the precise order in which JavaScript files are loaded

Note: Prior to the release of version 1.0.2-beta-2, the preloadSources configuration was the only way to control the order in which scripts were loaded by the runners. Now that the plugin supports includes/excludes with wildcards, the number of situations where preloadSources is necessary should be dramatically reduced.

You can configure the plugin to load a list of JavaScript sources before any others. This is useful in situations where the above includes/excludes options fall short. One such situation is when a test-scoped file needs to overwrite the functionality of a production source file before other production sources get loaded, which was something one team ran into with a localization plugin. In that case, all of the included files will still be loaded, but anything found in preloadSources will be moved to the very top, per the resolution rules enumerated at the bottom of this section.


    <!-- execute a script that overwrites another before the production sources load -->
    <source>hack-i18n-for-specs.js</source> <!-- resolves files in jsTestSrcDir using a relative path, too -->
    <!-- Even supports remote resources and arbitrary protocols -->

As demonstrated above, preloadSources will attempt to resolve each specified source in this order (before placing it in an HTML script tag):

  1. As a file that exists relative to the jsSrcDir
  2. As a file that exists relative to the jsTestSrcDir
  3. Exactly as entered into the POM (e.g. "http://../script.js", "ftp://blah.js", "/path/to/my-other-project/../script.js", etc.)

customRunnerTemplate - Creating a custom SpecRunner HTML template

Sometimes the plugin's generated HTML runners might not fit your project's needs (perhaps you want to incorporate JSLint/JSCoverage into the runner or simply work around a bug in the plugin).

While you're encouraged to create an issue when you find a way in which the plugin is lacking, one approach to unblocking yourself immediately is to override the plugin's own SpecRunner HTML template.

To use a custom runner template:

  1. Create a new empty file in your project (I'd recommend somewhere in src/test/resources)
  2. While eyeballing the plugin's default template, write your custom template file.
  3. Configure jasmine-maven-plugin to use your custom runner template.

The configuration name is customRunnerTemplate and would be configured in the POM like so:


debug - Debugging failures

The plugin relies on HtmlUnit to execute your specs "headlessly" in a console. If your specs pass when you open target/jasmine/ManualSpecRunner.html in each browser but fail when executing the jasmine:test goal, it's likely that something went wrong while HtmlUnit was executing. Unfortunately, these failures can be opaque and difficult to trace. If jasmine:test is timing out, you might consider trying to debug it with the debug configuration flag set to true and a shorter timeout to force faster failure.

  <timeout>60</timeout> <!-- 60 second timeout -->
  <debug>true</timeout> <!-- attempt to print the spec runner results and build a JUnit report, even if spec execution times out. -->

If you have experience debugging heap space or halting errors in HtmlUnit, please consider opening an issue to lend some advice on how jasmine-maven-plugin could be improved.

browserVersion - Specifying which Browser to execute Jasmine specs with

By default, the plugin will execute the project's specs using HtmlUnit's "FIREFOX_3" BrowserVersion. If you'd like to execute your specs against a different one of its profiles, you can specify it in the plugin's configuration in your POM. HtmlUnit currently only offers a few flavors of FireFox and IE (see its JavaDoc for the exact names, but here is an example configuration specifying that specs should be executed against HtmlUnit's IE6 profile:


format - Specifying the style of the console output

You can configure how the plugin prints your specs to the console. By default, it will print them in a nested format that prints the full text of every describe and it name. However, particularly for large projects, you can configure the plugin to output in a format similar to rspec's progress format. Just specify configure the format parameter like so:


And your output will be all the more terse:

 J A S M I N E   S P E C S

Results: 282 specs, 0 failures    

timeout - Specifying the timeout for spec execution

While executing your specs, the plugin will time out after 300 seconds (5 minutes) by default. In the event that your project simply has a lot of specs (or, perhaps, a really slow build machine), the timeout can be modified with the timeout configuration parameter.


JUnit XML Reports

The plugin's test goal will output the test results in a JUnit text XML report, located in target/jasmine/TEST-jasmine.xml. The implementation attempts to satisfy the most middle-of-the-road consensus as to what the schema-less XML report "should" look like.

As an example, to integrate the report into a Hudson job (note that it must be a freestyle job), select "Publish JUnit test result report" among the available "Post-build Actions" and include a file pattern like "**/jasmine/TEST*.xml". Once included, your jasmine specs will be counted and interactive in the same way your other tests are!

Current Version Info

The plugin's version numbering will mirror the version of Jasmine that backs it. The latest version of the plugin points to Jasmine 1.0.2, so its version number is 1.0.2-beta-2.

If you want to point at snapshot releases of the plugin, they're hosted on the Sonatype OSS snapshot repository.



Pull requests are, of course, very welcome! A few todos, if anyone is interested in tackling them:

  • JSLint and JSCoverage integration
  • Parse & format ignored tests (currently only passing & failing tests are parsed)
  • A facility that automatically executes the other goals if only test or preparePackage is configured to run.


  • Thanks to Pivotal Labs for authoring and publishing Jasmine
  • Thanks to christian.nelson and sivoh1, owners of the javascript-test-maven-plugin project, which provided a similar implementation from which to glean several valuable lessons.


Maven plugin to execute Jasmine Specs. Creates your HTML runners for you, runs headlessly, outputs JUnit XML







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