HTML Forms generating framework for Meteor based on patterns to DRY your code.
meteor add dry:forms
demoForm = [
{field: 'url', type: 'text', label: "Feed URL", placeholder: "Enter URL", clazz: "form-control"},
{field: 'media', type: 'select', label: "Media", placeholder: "Select category", clazz: "form-control", options: categories},
{field: "form", type: "subformRows", form: fieldForm},
{field: 'check', type: 'checkbox', label: "Agreement", placeholder: "Enter URL", clazz: "form-control"},
{field: 'uml', type: 'textareauml', label: "Uml", placeholder: "Write PlantUML", clazz: "form-control"},
pass this variable to your template:
and you will get whole form generated
For more so called fields - check the packages.
Table of forms - each row to edit collection item
- UI tests meteor add mike:mocha run meteor and check mocha dot on localhost:3000
- Unit tests meteor test-packages
- To test cucumber (end user testing) meteor add xolvio:cucumber run meteor and