Example project we work on in the coolest community of practice around. Plan to build on to this as time goes on to show different concepts and have easy examples to reference back to.
Make sure you have java 21 installed. I highly recommend using a java installation manager available on the command line, like SDKMAN. This is only available for UNIX systems, but I also highly recommend getting used to WSL2 if you are working in a Windows environment for development anyway, which is where I use SDKMAN.
If SDKMAN is installed, you can type sdk env
to automatically switch to the recommended Java version or to be prompted to download the recommended version if it isn't already installed.
To run the app, you will want to run ./gradlew bootRun
Gradle will take care of downloading and building everything you need. If all goes well, you will br greeted shortly by a log that contains something like
Started SpringBootExampleApplication in X seconds
Congrats! You locally deployed your spring boot project!