Official implementation for "Full-body Virtual Try-On using Top and Bottom Garments with Wearing Style Control" published in Computer Vision and Image Understanding in 2024.
- Author: Soonchan Park and Jinah Park
- Paper link:
- Supplementary material:
Fashion-TB dataset consists of 37,492 wearing pairs between garments and fasion model. The fashion model can has multiple indices to point top and bottom garments what he/she is wearing. In dress case, such a model has only one index for top garment.
The project have been tested with the following environment:
- PyTorch 1.13.1
- Torchvision 0.13.1
- Python 3.8
- CUDA 11.6
The folder "docker" has Dockerfile to set docker images for running WGF-VITON.
cd docker
docker build . -t {docker_image_name}
conda create -n {name} python=3.8 anaconda
conda activate {name}
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install cupy
You can download dataset and pre-trained model via links below. Please note license policy of this work.
- pre-trained model of WGF-VITON and Fashion-TB:
- released version of WGF-VITON has 6.72 FID in the unpaired dataset. It is achieved by a longer training without any modification.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python --dataroot {data_path} --gpu_ids 0,1 --batch-size 4 --name {project_name} --workers 6 --keep_step 100000 --decay_step 100000 --shuffle --fine_height 512 --fine_width 384 --num_D 2 --lr_D 0.0002
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python --name {project_name} --batch-size 8 --workers 1 --checkpoint {checkpoint_path}/step_G_200000.pth --wearing test_unpair_mild.json --dataroot {data_path} --gpu_ids 0
After inference dataset using the command above, you can evaluate the results in FID (
All material is made available under Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0. You can use, redistribute, and adapt the material for non-commercial purposes, as long as you give appropriate credit by citing our paper and indicate any changes that you've made.
title={Full-body virtual try-on using top and bottom garments with wearing style control},
author={Park, Soonchan and Park, Jinah},
journal={Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
We implemente the code for WGF-VITON based on PyTorch implementation of CP-VTON, SPADE, and HR-VITON.