Make sure Docker is installed
If you intend to build docker images locally behind a proxy, ensure http_proxy and https_proxy have been correctly set in environment.
Please execute following commands under directory nnc-desktop
make build-web-page
make build-deb
A successful build will generate an installer in the dist
Please execute following commands under directory nnc-desktop
make build-web-page
make build-rpm
If you try to build for other platform, you can refer to the dockerfile*
file in the nnc-desktop/local_editor/docker/electron/*
Install Python3.10.8 and PIP to C:\Python310 from Official page
Download nvm installer from
After nvm installation is complete, execute the following commands in cmd:
nvm install 20.15.0
nvm use 20.15.0
Then execute following commands in cmd under directory nnc-desktop
local_editor\scripts\build_exe.bat "cpu"
We use anyenv, pyenv and nodenv for version managing in our test, please ensure all above version managers have been correctly installed in your environment.
You can test by executing:
pyenv install --list
nodenv install -L
Install Python3.10.14 and PIP by:
pyenv install 3.10.14
Install Node 20.15.0 by:
nodenv install 20.15.0
Then execute following commands in cmd under directory nnc-desktop
bash local_editor/scripts/
You can find the installer under electron_app/dist
directory after building process finished.