Simple cluster director for SoftLayer
currently supports the following SoftLayer resources:
- vms
- autoscale groups
- loadbalancers
- vlans
Clone this repository.
git clone ...
Change to the kleiber directory and install kleiber using the following commands.
cd <kleiber_home>
python install
Create the file ~/.kleiber
and add your SoftLayer credentials to it as shown in the following.
username: SLUSER
api_key: SLAPIKEY
Metadata about the clusters you create gets store locally in the folder ~/.kleiber-data
If you want the cluster metadata to be stored at a different location or in object store, then you have to add
one of the following in addition to the ~/.kleiber
local_store: <folder-path>
# or
name: <obj-store-name>
datacenter: <dc>
kleiber provides the following commands.
# kleiber -h
kleiber cluster director
kleiber create <score.yaml> <clustername> [<key=value>...] [-v]
kleiber status <clustername> [<resourcename>]
kleiber delete <clustername>
kleiber list
kleiber (-h | --help)
kleiber --version
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
Score samples can be found in the scores directory.
Look at detailed.yaml for full input and configuration options for individual resources.
- everything except
in the score files can be jinja templates to fill in values from other data. Look at open-dcos.yml for an example - the optional dependson field in a resource provides ordering of the resources. Otherwise resources are deployed in an order automatically selected by the director
# a name describing the cluster
name: myweb-topology
# a set of parameters with default values. These can be overridden by
# passing a key=value pair on create
key1: value1
key2: value2
# datacenter where this needs to be deployed
datacenter: tor01
# commonly used mappings
# resources to deploy as part of the cluster
vlans: ...
loadbalancers: ...
serverinstances: ...
# autoscale: ....
template: a jinja template to generate output
# result -> optional output file, if none provided,
# the output is printed on screen
result: output file to generate from template