Wikipedia-based ontology engineering
This project addresses multiple challenges:
- How to recognize relevant articles based on a learned decision tree classifier?
- How to recognize subclasses based on clustering?
- How to recover classification information only by processing natural language text?
This information is related to the paper accepted at SEKE2019 with regards to the challenge How to recognize relevant articles based on a learned decision tree classifier?
author = {Marcel Heinz and
Ralf L{\"{a}}mmel and
Mathieu Acher},
editor = {Angelo Perkusich},
title = {Discovering Indicators for Classifying Wikipedia Articles in a Domain
- {A} Case Study on Software Languages},
booktitle = {The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering, {SEKE} 2019, Hotel Tivoli, Lisbon, Portugal, July 10-12,
pages = {541--706},
publisher = {{KSI} Research Inc. and Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School},
year = {2019}
- We moved datasets and original scripts to the branch 'seke19'.
- Current datasets and evaluation data can be found at
- Added natural language tests based on Stanford Parser. CoreNLPServer must be started before using the tests.
- See for more instructions and manuals for reproduction.