Snyk helps you find, fix and monitor for known vulnerabilities in your dependencies, both on an ad hoc basis and as part of your CI (Build) system.
Snyk Licenses Text report that provides Organization level licenses used, copyrights & dependencies data (including license texts & their urls). Optionally the results can be filtered for a specific projects.
The tool is a wrapper around Snyk APIs so users must have API access (including Reporting, Licenses & Dependencies APIs)
Download the latest binary from the releases page
is set and has access to the Organization you want to generate the report for.
- show help & all available commands and their optionsjson
- generate the raw JSON licenses & dependencies data for a Snyk Organization (can filter for a specific Snyk project)generate
- generates an HTML report of licenses & dependencies data for a Snyk Organization (can filter for a specific Snyk project)
snyk-licenses-report generate Generate org licenses & dependencies report in HTML format
[aliases: g]
snyk-licenses-report json Generate org licenses & dependencies data in JSON format
[aliases: j]
Example usage:
- See help:
snyk-licenses-report --help
- See help and available options for a specific command:
snyk-licenses-report --help generate
- Get JSON output only:
snyk-licenses-report json --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>
- Default HTML report (Licenses per Org view):
snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>
- Default HTML report (Licenses per Org view) filtered for a specific project:
snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID> --project=<PROJECT_PUBLIC_ID>
- See more information on what is happening behind the scenes:
DEBUG=snyk-license* snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>
- Custom Handlebars.js template provided:
snyk-licenses-report generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID> --template="PATH/TO/TEMPLATE/template.hsb"
The data in the template is available is in the format:See the relevant TypeScript types in the repo for full information.{ licenses: LicenseReportData; orgPublicId: string; orgData: OrgData; }
npm i
npm run test
from 1 password)DEBUG=snyk-license* node dist/index.js generate --orgPublicId=<ORG_PUBLIC_ID>