Writing I've completed over the course of my undergraduate career, mostly reports from experiments I've completed.
- NLP subfield survey: state of the art computer-generated text detection (2023)
- Brownian motion in cells: lab report describing experiment tracking brownian motion in plant cells
- Optical pumping: experimentally observing and documenting the structure of Rubidium isotopes, including Zeeman and hyperfine splitting
- Quantum interference and entanglement: performing an experiment to create entangled pairs of photons that show a violation of Bell's inequality, proving that quantum mechanics is incompatible with a local, realistic hidden variable theory (i.e. quantum mechanics describes reality more accurately than popular hidden variable theories)
- Topological quantum computing: exploring basic mathematical foundations behind topological quantum computing, as well as popular candidates for its implementation
- Integrated chip calculator: designing and building a 4-bit adder circuit using integrated chips