This is a descentralized application of the aeternity blockchain (daepp) that allows to register, tag, comment and vote user memes referenced by url. This daepp is the result of the Aeternity Development 101 course from platform, which is a great community that enforces people to learn about this exciting technology.
My intend of writing this readme, is to share my experience with the development workflow and the tooling that allowed me to reach and understand the daepp architecture and the interactions with the aeternity blockchain.
The aeternity ecosystem is fullfilled of a great toolset like sdk's for many languages and online tools wich makes possible the interaction with the blockchain and the development of descentralized apps. Some of these applications are the Base Aepp which has a lot of functionalities like wallet management, token transactions, and identity provider for embedded applications. On the other hand we have the contract editor that allows to compile, deploy and test sophia smart contracts.
The Base Aepp is a great tool for testing applicactions convined with the smart contract editor, however, the development workflow over these online aepps tends to be very slow, as the code either the contract needs to be tested many times until they reaches the desired functional state. For this reason is recommended to enable a local development environment that allows to interact with the blockchain, deploy contracts and test the applications in our local machine.
note: the scope of this doc is focused on the development of the MemeVote daepp, as this can be applied to other projects, the procedure may vary depending on the technological approach.
Aeproject is an amazing project that provides a command line interface to deploy, compile and test smart contracts. The most interesting feature is that it provides the infraestructure through docker containers to deploy an aeternity node locally which allows to interact with the network.
Make control version to the source code is a good practice that keeps track of the changes during development. As this daepp is deployed as Github page, changes are pushed only when its functional state is stable.
As MemeVote daepp design is browser based, which means that its javascript modules like the aepps SDK, vue.js libraries and so forth are loaded by html script tags, it should be deployed with an http-server in a predefined port instead of loading the index.html file directly in the browser.
This Aepp has two main components: 1) the identity provider and 2) the Aeep itself. The first one implements the wallet and connects to the network and the second uses the Web Aepp flavor to interact with whe deployed contract. These components are integrated via RPC, so all methods from the Aepp are confirmed by the wallet.
For this deployment we will use aepp-aeproject-shape-vue project, as it implements an identity provider which may be configured accordingly to our needs.
TODO: Components diagram
TODO: Sequence diagram
Create an empty directory which will hold the node infraestructure, the identity provider and the MemeVote Aepp:
mkdir MemeVote-aeproject
Install aeproject globally
npm install -g aeproject
Initialize aeproject
cd MemeVote-aeproject aeproject init
Clone the MemeVote daepp
git clone
Clone aepp-aeproject-shape-vue
I have forked this awesome project because it includes the base functionality of the identity provider, which is in other words a configurable wallet. This fork add some UI improvements that facilitates the configuration and conntection to the network. Try it out!
git clone
On each cloned repository folder (MemeVote and aepp-aeproject) fetch all their dependencies.
npm install
Run both applications
# In Meme vote folder run: npm start # In aepp-aeproject-shape-vue run: npm run serve
At this point both applications can be accessed in the browser at http://localhost:8080 abd http://localhost:8081 respectively.
Both applications are running, but there are some tasks to be completed to make them work properly: 1) Initialize aeternity nodes and compiler, 2) deploy the contract, 3) configure the wallet, 4) setup the contract address in MemeVote daepp.
As described before, AEproject was installed globally in our local machine and initialized inside the MemeVote-aeproject folder. This initialization created many files and folders related to docker and smart contract interactions. This means that all operations with the nodes and contract should be executed at that path level.
note: To run aeternity nodes make sure to have docker service up and running.
Initialize aeternity nodes
aeproject node
At the end of this process, the nodes should be successfully started and the default wallets should be successfully funded.
===== Starting Node ===== Creating network "memevote-aeproject_default" with the default driver Creating memevote-aeproject_node1_1 ... done Creating memevote-aeproject_proxy_1 ... done Creating memevote-aeproject_node3_1 ... done Creating memevote-aeproject_node2_1 ... done ................. ===== Node was successfully started! ===== ===== Funding default wallets! ===== Miner ------------------------------------------------------------ public key: ak_2mwRmUeYmfuW93ti9HMSUJzCk1EYcQEfikVSzgo6k2VghsWhgU private key: bb9f0b01c8c9553cfbaf7ef81a50f977b1326801ebf7294d1c2cbccdedf27476e9bbf604e611b5460a3b3999e9771b6f60417d73ce7c5519e12f7e127a1225ca Wallet's balance is 750440000000000000000 ... ... ...
note: If you are running docker within a machine with selinux enabled, you should run containers in privileged mode. This can be achieved adding the
privileged: true
option for each container in the services block in thedocker-compose.yml
file as follows:node1: image: aeternity/aeternity:v5.0.2 hostname: node1 privileged: true environment: AETERNITY_CONFIG: /home/aeternity/aeternity.yaml command: > bin/aeternity console -noinput -aehttp enable_debug_endpoints true volumes: - ./docker/aeternity_node1_mean15.yaml:/home/aeternity/aeternity.yaml - ./docker/keys/node1:/home/aeternity/node/keys .... .... ....
Initialize aesophia compiler
aeproject compiler
At the end of this procees the compiler should be successfully started
===== Starting Compiler ===== Creating memevote-aeproject_compiler_1 ... Creating memevote-aeproject_compiler_1 ... done . .................. ===== Compiler was successfully started! =====
Finally you can list existing docker containers
docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e3e1b576a07a aeternity/aesophia_http:v4.0.0 "/docker-entrypoin..." 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes (healthy)>3080/tcp memevote-aeproject_compiler_1 2f0e9a20415c aeternity/aeternity:v5.0.2 "bin/aeternity con..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes (healthy) 3013-3015/tcp, 3113/tcp memevote-aeproject_node3_1 e4793f9841f8 aeternity/aeternity:v5.0.2 "bin/aeternity con..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes (healthy) 3013-3015/tcp, 3113/tcp memevote-aeproject_node2_1 ae58970cad24 nginx:1.13.8 "nginx -g 'daemon ..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes 80/tcp,>3001-3003/tcp memevote-aeproject_proxy_1 7a93a030c23c aeternity/aeternity:v5.0.2 "bin/aeternity con..." 11 minutes ago Up 11 minutes (healthy) 3013-3015/tcp, 3113/tcp memevote-aeproject_node1_1
First we need to add the MemeVote contract to the Deployer configuration in the
file. Note that during initialization, aeproject created an example contract which can be keeped or replaced for the new one.const Deployer = require('aeproject-lib').Deployer; const deploy = async (network, privateKey, compiler, networkId) => { let deployer = new Deployer(network, privateKey, compiler, networkId) await deployer.deploy("./contracts/ExampleContract.aes") await deployer.deploy("./MemeVote/contracts/MemeVote.aes") }; module.exports = { deploy };
Run the deploy operation
aeproject deploy ===== Contract: ExampleContract.aes has been deployed at ct_2TjCTxSiLyQ3ADMTiozZPYkYnLQ1NSXaLp9GD7jX7tpJGoaJsd ===== ===== Contract: MemeVote.aes has been deployed at ct_2n1MVAiBLWi7zK4dm4UvAfrziu4xK1AKE9zcYC99TKeiPw2LKN ===== Your deployment script finished successfully!
This operation by default deploys the contract on the local network. We can use the following options to deploy the contract in the testnet:
aeproject deploy --network "" --networkId "ae_uat" --compiler ""
Verify the deployed contract
Once the contract is deployed it can be verified in the network
aeproject history | Event Time | 25 Jan, 07:31:15 | |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Public Key │ ak_2mwRmUeYmfuW93ti9HMSUJzCk1EYcQEfikVSzgo6k2VghsWhgU │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Executor │ Deployer │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Name or Label │ MemeVote │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Tx Hash │ th_2Ly2WUuQ4dJwbNuCc6PmUQ5jVva9AgVRB7T1nA91xACvtgqnGQ │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Status │ Success │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Gas Price │ 1000000000 │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Gas Used │ 110 │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Result │ ct_ptyi4G4GehmMYNM1gwDTVKGrUesgbVthZgp2762dTyhoEX188 │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------| │ Network ID │ ae_devnet │ |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------|
Note that if you deploy the contract on the testnet or the local network, it appears referenced in the Network ID field of the returned table.
Also, if the contract was deployed on the testnet, it can be verified online in the aeternity network explorer at
As I mentioned before, I have forked the aepp-aeproject-shape-vue that adds a ConfigClient component which provides a form that allows to input the public and private key of the wallet account, select the network to connect to, and input the url of the MemeVote aepp.
Instead of use this fork we can use the original aepp-aeproject-shape-vue but it
has to be configured directly in the source code replacing the values in the
and ./src/components/Home.vue
files in the
identity-provider folder.
At this final step, we have to modify the ./src/settings.js file in the MemeVote folder and include the contract address returned during its deployment in the network or through the history command.
var settings = {
contractSource: `payable contract MemeVote =
record meme =
{ creatorAddress : address,
url : string,
name : string,
voteCount : int,
comments : list(comment),
tags : list(string)}
After completing this steps we are ready to play with the MemeVote daepp, but most important is that we are enabled to dig in the descentralized applications development for the aeternity blockchain. Take a look of the resources available on the Documentation Hub, Github Repo and Tutorials for further information.
Aeternity's ecosystem is evolving very fast, and there are new releases of tools like the Fire Editor, or the [Daepps Boilerplate](Daepps Boilerplate), and many others, which intend is to facilitate the appropiation of this technology and help us to build daepps that can bring real word solutions.
Happy Haecking! ;-)