Snakemake pipeline performing the following steps:
This is the main pipeline
- Option: Re-basecalling fast5 files using guppy
- Splitting of basecalled fast5 files into batches
- Fast5 to fastq conversion and optional quality filtering
- Alignment to reference using minimap2
- Methylation calling for cpg, gpc and dam using Nanopolish
- Convert methylation call files into meth5 format
These are what I am using, but newer should also work:
- python3.6
- pandas
- numpy
- h5py
- nanopolish 0.11.1
- guppy
Please provide input data in the following structure. You only need to provide the guppy folder for the Nanopolish pipeline. The multi folder is only required if you want to use the script for basecalling (not part of the main pipeline).
|-guppy/ (basecalled multi-fast5 files)
|-original/ (non-basecalled multi-fast5 files)
The pipeline will create the following data structure, with the variables referring to the samplename, the batch number within that sample, for chromosome, and the type of methylation call (cpg,gpc, or dam):
|-*.fast5 (symlink to basedir/<sample>/guppy/*.fast5)
|-fastq/ (fastq files and indices for samtools and nanopolish)
|-mapping/ (bam files sorted and filtered)
|-met/ (nanopolish methylation calls)
|-met_merge/ (batches merged back together, split by chromosome, and stored as pickled pandas frame)
The pipeline is configured using a YAML file. An example is provided below. Not all paths to programs are required if they are not part of the main pipeline.
#### Minimum required parameters ####
# Base directory of the project
basedir: /home/r933r/snajder/nanopore/data/medulloblastoma_dna/
# Path to python that has the required packages installed
python: /home/r933r/.conda/envs/gastrulation/bin/python
# Reference (must be uncompressed and have an index generated using samtools faidx)
reference: /home/r933r/snajder/nanopore/data/medulloblastoma_dna/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa
# Number of multi-fast5 files per batch
per_batch: 15
# Names of chromosomes to be used (all chromosomes not in the list will be filtered out)
chroms: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, X, Y, MT]
# Names of samples
unique_samples: [s1,s2,s3]
# Name of the group that contains the basecalls in the fast5 file
basecall_id: Basecall_1D_000
# Which methylation types to call with nanopolish. Supported: cpg, gpc, dam
mettypes: [cpg,gpc,dam]
#### Additional configuration (optional) ####
fast5_single_to_multi: /home/r933r/.conda/envs/gastrulation/bin/multi_to_single_fast5
tombo: /home/r933r/.conda/envs/gastrulation/bin/tombo
guppy_bc_server: /home/r933r/data/software/users/snajder/guppy/ont-guppy-cpu/bin/guppy_basecall_server
sniffles: /icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B260/software/users/snajder/opt/bin/sniffles
megalodon: /icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B260/software/users/snajder/miniconda3/envs/megalodon/bin/megalodon
# Megalodon calibration file
megalodon_calibration: /icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B260/software/users/snajder/miniconda3/envs/megalodon/lib/python3.7/site-packages/megalodon/model_data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_modbases_dam-dcm-cpg_hac.cfg/megalodon_mod_calibration.npz
The pipeline is set up to run on the DKFZ cluster, but should work on any cluster system. For ease of use, I typically use a script like "" to run snakemake with all the parameters required to run on the cluster and save logs.
If I use the following script:
cluster_script="bsub {params.misc} -n {params.slots} -W {params.runtime} -R \"rusage[mem={params.memusage}]\" -o {basedir}/logs/{params.jobname}.log -e {basedir}/logs/{params.jobname}.err"
snakemake --cluster "$cluster_script" --jobs 128 --latency-wait 120 $@
Then I run it using: --configfile <myprojectconfig.yaml> <target>
Assuming you have your basecalled fast5 files in the raw//guppy folders, you first need to do splitting into batches. To do this, first run the target
- all_split_batches
Afterwards, you can run the full Nanopolish pipeline by running the target:
- all_merge_met_perchrom
But you can also run any of the following intermediate steps:
- all_fast5_to_fastq: to get fastq files from basecalled fast5 files
- all_alignment: runs alignment
- all_nanopolish_index: Creates index required by nanopolish
- all_metcall: Performs nanopolish methylation calling for all methylation types
Some optional targets (partly experimental - may be unstable):
- all_mergebams: Merges all bam files
- all_varcall: Performs SV calling using sniffles
- all_megalodon: Performs methylation calling using megalodon
- all_tombo_metcall: Performs methylation calling using tombo
- all_report_methylation: Creates some histograms for methylation frequency (very global view on methylation, only useful if you know the expected methylation rate)
In case you want to re-basecall your fast5 files, the script '''''' is specifically designed to run basecalling on the DKFZ GPU cluster, and is tailored to use a single GPU per sample in order to basecall reads in batches, while honoring the fair-use requirements of the DKFZ GPU cluster:
- Honoring maximum scratch capacity by limiting number of fast5 files at a time
- Copying data from network storage to scratch before performing basecalling
- Only accessing data from scratch during computation
- Copying data back to network storage and cleaning up scratch storage before running next batch
The script is also designed to be "restartable" in case the cluster job gets terminated (same fast5 files won't be basecalled again if restarted).
Due to the nature of how picky the resource allocation is on the DKFZ GPU cluster, I did not yet integrate this in the Snakemake pipeline (so I have more control over it). Hence I did not yet make this script read the yaml config, so the path to guppy and the number of fast5 files are hardcoded. You can edit them at the top of the script. I found 15 to be a good number of fast5 files, assuming a single fast5 file has 4000 reads.
Usage (on the DKFZ cluster):
bsub -q gputest -gpu num=1:j_exclusive=yes:mode=exclusive_process:gmem=10G 'python {basedir}/raw/<sample>/multi/ {basedir}/raw/<sample>/guppy/'