this project used gin
clone this repository && cd this project
docker network -d bridge $(your network)
docker build . -t hellscream
docker run --name hellscream -v
$(your file path):/Azeroth/Hellscream/file -v $ (your config path):/Azeroth/Hellscream/config --network $(your network) --network-alias hellscream -it -d hellscream
this file server divided into two parts, you can configure hellscream_conf.yaml
- need auth
you add map struct into file.protect, the key is url, value is file path
for example:
file: protect avatar: /Azeroth/Hellscream/file/avatar
you can access with jwt
- open access
you add map struct into file.public, the key is url, value is file path
for example:
file: public img: /Azeroth/Hellscream/file/img
you can access without jwt
- need auth
if you want change access network gateway, you can do some change on envoy.yaml