This module lets you interact with the LCLS Event Definition system or LCLS-II BSA Buffer system to collect BSA data. By creating a new EventDefinition or BSABuffer object, you'll reserve a free event definition. Or, if you want to use an existing event defintion/BSA Buffer, pass the 'edef_number' parameter in when you are making the EventDefinition, or 'number' parameter when you are making the BSABuffer.
The EventDefinition and BSABuffer objects have properties for the event definition parameters, like number of averages, number of measurements, exclusion and inclusion masks, etc. If you specified an 'edef_number' and connected to an existing event definition, the existing values are kept when the object is created.
After configuring your event definition, you can call start() to start collecting data. You can be notified when data collection is complete via a callback function, or by calling is_acquisition_complete().