Connectors to read and write Pravega streams with Apache Flink stream processing applications.
Build end-to-end stream processing pipelines that use Pravega as the stream storage and message bus, and Apache Flink for computation over the streams.
Exactly-once processing guarantees for both reader and writer, supporting end-to-end exactly-once processing pipelines
Seamless integration with Flink's checkpoints & savepoints
Parallel readers and writers supporting high throughput and low latency processing
The connectors require Apache Flink version 1.3 or newer. The latest release of these connectors are linked against Flink release 1.3.1, which should be compatible with all Flink 1.3.x versions.
Install the Pravega client libraries to your local Maven repository.
$ git clone
$./gradlew install
Use the built-in gradle wrapper to build the connector.
$ git clone
$ ./gradlew clean build
Use the following command to publish the shaded connector jar file. The jar file created is named as - pravega-connectors-flink_2.11-.jar
$ ./gradlew install
Instantiate a FlinkPravegaReader instance and add it as a source to the Flink streaming job. The source does a tail read of the supplied set of streams.
// Define your event deserializer
AbstractDeserializationSchema<EventType> deserializer = ...
// Set startTime to 0 to read from the beginning of the streams
FlinkPravegaReader<EventType> pravegaSource = new FlinkPravegaReader<>(
DataStreamSource<EventType> dataStream = flinkEnv
We currently have 2 implementations of the sink. These will be merged into FlinkPravegaWriter soon.
- FlinkExactlyOncePravegaWriter
- Should be only used with checkpointing enabled for providing exactly once guarantees using transactions.
- FlinkPravegaWriter
- Should be used by flink jobs which have disabled checkpointing.
The usage is the same for both the connectors. Example:
DataStreamSource<EventType> dataStream = ...
// Define Event Serializer.
SerializationSchema<EventType> serializer = ...
// Define the event router for selecting the keys to route events within pravega.
PravegaEventRouter router = ...
FlinkPravegaWriter<EventType> pravegaSink = new FlinkPravegaWriter<>(