Team Members:
- Saikiran Komatineni
- Ivan Ferrier
File Descriptions:
This file contains the implementation of the plain actor_ciritc model tested with the ipedal-Walker
This file contains the implementation of our group interpreter algorithm tested with the Cartpole
This file contains the implementation of our Learn by Watching implementation tested with the Cartpole
This file contains the implementation of the basic REINFORCE algorithm tested with the CartPole
This file contains parameters which can be set to run experiments
Running Code: To run the code, you can simply run the corresponding file and follow the printed instructions to execute the apropriate actions:
This command will initiate and complete the RL algorithmpoll
This commad will get results from each learner and plot themquit
This command will quit and exit the programplot
This command plots the results up to the point that rewards have been computed. i.e. the plots can be generated even when the program has not completed execution (Note that this is only implemented in the group interpreter file)