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Cloud Computing Project 1

Group: CCP

Team Members

Gaurav Kulkarni 1225477253
Parth Shah 1225457038
Shreyas Kirtane 1225453736

Project Report

Gaurav's Tasks:
  • Researched about Amazon Cloudwatch metrics and alarm, Autoscaling groups and scaling policies
  • Tested out different simple step and target tracking policies along with custom metrics
  • Evaluated individual policies against the required time limit and scaling requirements
  • Managed the documentation of the project

Parth's Tasks:
  • Implement SQS method in web tier to push messages to request queue
  • Implement SQS method in app tier to push results to response queue
  • Add multithreading to app tier and web tier to poll SQS queues in background

Shreyas's Tasks:
  • Implement Web Tier using Flask
  • Incorporate image classification in app tier server
  • Implement multiple reader single writer lock to poll result dict efficiently
  • Implement S3 methods to download and upload files
  • Create dockerfile, Makefile, configs, venv requirements file
  • Figure out deployment

AWS Credentials

  • user: demo
  • default region: us-east-1


chmod 600 web-tier-key.pem
ssh -i web-tier-key.pem ec2-user@[public-ip]

Web Tier details

  • Base AMI: AWS-Linux
  • user: ec2-user
  • public-ip: assigned when started/launced (see ec2 console)



  • input bucket: cse546images
  • resuls bucket: cse546results

Deploy on your aws account

  1. Create queues and buckets
  2. Create an ec2 instance name "web-instance" and install docker on it.
  3. Configure aws credentials using aws configure or env variables
  4. Clone the git repo and do:
    make run_wt
  5. Create an ec2 instance named "app-instance" and install docker.
  6. Configure aws credentials using aws configure or env variables
  7. Clone the git repo and do:
    make run_at
  8. Create an AMI out of app-instance.
  9. Create a launch template using this AMI
  10. Create an Alarm based on ApproximateNumberOfVissibleMessages on request queue
  11. Create an AutoScalingGroup with a step policy
  12. Create steps:
    • set 1 capacity for metric >= 1 and < 2.
    • set 2 capacity for metric >= 2 and < 3.
    • ...
    • ...
    • set 20 capacity for metric >= 20 and < +ve infinity
  13. Create a simple scale in policy to scale in: configure to remove 20 instances when alarm in OK state
  14. Attach alarm to the scaling policy
  15. Run the workload generator on public ip of web instance


cloud computing project 1






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Contributors 3
