Name | ASU ID |
Gaurav Kulkarni | 1225477253 |
Parth Shah | 1225457038 |
Shreyas Kirtane | 1225453736 |
- Account ID: 583586231865
- user: demo
- input bucket: cse546proj3-input
- resuls bucket: cse546proj3-output
- event - s3event
- Clone the devstack project git clone
- Copy the sample configuration file from samples directory to current directory and change the passwords
cp samples.conf/local.conf .
Make the stack script executable and run it -
Configure the network to connect to the public internet
openstack subnet set --dhcp external-subnet
openstack subnet set --dhcp test-subnet
openstack subnet set --dns-nameserver external-subnet
openstack subnet set --dns-nameserver test-subnet
openstack network set --share external
openstack network set --share test
- Add iptables rules for routing and enable IP forwarding on host OS
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d MASQUERADE
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- Using the Horizon Dashboard, upload a server image of Ubuntu 22.04
- Set up a public/private Keypair for additional security via Horizon
- Launch a new VM instance using Nova and boot it with the disk image
- SSH into the newly create instance using the Key Pair
- Set up a Security Group for the VM instance to allow ingress for SSH (TCP port 22) as well as HTTP port 12500 (our server is running on this port)
- Clone the project repository onto the VM git clone (This is a private repository)
- Deploy the Golang server using the main.go file (Make sure golang is installed) (The server will run on port 12500 by default)
go run main.go
- Expose the local server running on Openstack via ngrok
ngrok http 12500
- Log into the aws console using the credentials provided in the Readme file of the git repositoty and access the dashboard for AWS Eventbridge
- Copy the ngrok URL and paste it into the following path -
AWS Eventbridge -> Rules -> select s3event -> Targets -> API destinations - We can then run the workload file with cse546proj3-input and cse546proj3-output as the input and output S3 buckets respectively