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Ariel Keselman edited this page Jan 18, 2014 · 1 revision

How do you debug this, can source maps be generated?

No source maps yet; Nevertheless client code is debugable because the translations to JS is very simple. This is like the situation in Cofeescript before source maps were introduced (in v1.6.1). I use a combination of regular JS debugging in the console, plus PyCharm for server-side debugging. So I can actually put breakpoints at both ends, for e.g. if you have a button calling "clicked" on the server you can break at that function like you would do for a regular GUI toolkit like say QT or GTK.

Here is an exaplme of a translation. The following code:

def func():
    return b

Gets translated to:

var func = function() {
    var a,b;
    a = "hello";
    b = a.slice(undefined, undefined, 3);
    return b;
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