July 15 - August 15
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Evans 134 (iSuite)
- Andrew Novocin [email protected]
- Landon Jones [email protected]
- Liam Jordan [email protected]
- Matthew Zelinsky [email protected]
Complete challenges in our UDCTF!
Every week, you should submit a personal growth report following this format: Report Format
You can submit writeups for problems you solve for extra points! A writeup should contain any solution scripts you wrote, and it should walk the reader through the problem while explaining your thought process.
Reading writeups are also a great way to learn and go about solving challenges.
Kali Linux has a lot of useful tools for solving CTFs challenges.
Click here for instructions on setting up Kali with VMware.
- Class 1: Intro to CTFs
- Class 2: Talking to Servers, Hash Functions
- Class 3: Binary, XOR, One-Time Pad
- Class 4: Block Ciphers and Modes
- Class 5: RSA, Attacks
- Class 6: Web Intro, Curl, Python Requests
- Class 7: SQL, SQL Injection, CSRF
- Class 8: C, Assembly
- Class 9: Reversing Practice
- Class 10: Buffer Overflows and Memory Alteration
- Class 11: Shellcode
- Class 12: Return Oriented Programming
- Class 13: Forensics, Steganography
- Class 14: Computer Networking, Network Analysis
- Class 15: Memory Dump Analysis
- Class 16: Diffie-Hellman, Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Class 17: Last Class Wrap-Up
- J.P. Morgan Chase