This Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) was developed for the Wetland Water Quality Model, WetQual. The process-based WetQual model simulates nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), total suspended sediment (TSS) and carbon (C) cycles and their dynamics in wetlands. The model partitions a wetland into three basic compartments: (1) (free) water column, (2) wetland soil layer, which is further portioned into aerobic and anaerobic zones, and (3) plant biomass.
1) “WetQual_GUI.msi” file is to install WetQual Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) on your PC.
2) The User Manual of the GUI is "User_Manual_for_WetQual_GUI.pdf".
3) When you install the WetQual GUI, you can find sample input text files under “Project>InputOtput” folder. You can also find all input files in the excel file "Sample_InputFiles_for_WetQual.xlsx".
4) The user needs to install “MATLAB® Compiler Runtime R2017a”, if this version of MATLAB is not installed on the user’s computer. The Compiler software can be downloaded from MATLAB website ( Please make sure that you select “R2017a” version. You don’t have to install MATLAB Runtime software if you don’t run Sensitivity Analysis, BMCML, and Forecasting modules.