✨ New Features
- add all time overview (commit by @simonwep)5ad7855
- improve chart margins (commit by @simonwep)0bd646d
- add privacy mode to all-time overview (commit by @simonwep)6ef45c0
- extend demo data (commit by @simonwep)7dcca7a
- allow entering data for years in the past (commit by @simonwep)4ef7653
- add download button to dashboard sankey chart (commit by @simonwep)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- support empty values in AllTime overview (commit by @simonwep)224f6bc
- use current year as reference for all-time panels (commit by @simonwep)
♻️ Refactors
- use remix icon package (commit by @simonwep)03acdea
- move charts to their corresponding page component (commit by @simonwep)7fccd43
- move remove utility into array module (commit by @simonwep)
🔧 Chores
- add latest as latest docker image tag (commit by @simonwep)e40f405
- improve and simplify development setup (commit by @simonwep)bcc80ae
- unify indentation (commit by @simonwep)f51391e
- add twitter and open graph tags (commit by @simonwep)97f020c
- add package.json script to start backend (commit by @simonwep)