This is the react frontend for
The application is structured as an MVP application.
There is a folder for each feature, with components and business logic used by multiple features located in the common folder.
The view is located in the components folder and structured according to atomic design:
- Atoms: Pure and small UI components
- Molecules: Collection of atoms, may contain some UI logic
- Organisms: Distinc sections of UI, such as NAV. Collection of Molecules and Atoms
- Templates:
Some feature specific components are located in each feature folder.
The Page components act as presenters. The role of the presenter is to delegate logic to components. There is one Page component in each feature folder.
The services folder contains the business logic and talks to the state.
Core business logic is found in the common/core folder.
The state folder contains the application state.
The app connects to an API hosted in AWS for the collaborative session feature.