------------------- Update Date: 2022-11-20 -------------------
This version has removed the feature extraction module, making it easier to adapt to different lidars;
Support 'robosense' lidar and Mulran datasets, make the following changes in "*.yaml":
- sensor: “robosense” or sensor: “mulran”
Support 6-axis IMU, make the following changes in "*.yaml":
- imuType: 0 # 0: 6-axis IMU, 1: 9-axis IMU
Support low frequency IMU(50HZ、100HZ), make the following changes in "*.yaml":
- imuRate: 500
------------------- Update Date: 2022-12-13 -------------------
- Re-derivation the LM optimization, don't need coordinate transformation.
------------------- Update Date: 2022-12-24 -------------------
Modified gps factor, no longer depending on the 'robot_localization' package, and make it easier to adapt to different gnss device(RTK/GPS).
The gps factor is modified to make it easier to adapt to gnss devices with different frequencies(10HZ~500HZ).
------------------- Update Date: 2023-02-11 -------------------
Add scancontext loop closure detection;
Support M2DGR dataset.
------------------- Update Date: 2024-04-29 -------------------
- Add liorf ROS2 version (Foxy、Galactic).
- gtsam(Georgia Tech Smoothing and Mapping library)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:borglab/gtsam-release-4.0 sudo apt install libgtsam-dev libgtsam-unstable-dev
- Others
sudo apt install libgeographic-dev
- Use the following commands to download and compile the package.
mkdir -p ~/liorf-ros2/src && cd ~/liorf-ros2/src
git clone https://github.com/YJZLuckyBoy/liorf.git
cd liorf && git checkout liorf-ros2
cd ../../
colcon build
- Run the launch file
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch liorf run_lio_sam_default.launch.py
- Play existing bag files. Example data in ROS2 format can be downloaded here (lio-sam-dataset with ros2 format)
ros2 bag play casual_walk/
Make sure your gnss topic type is 'sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix';
Modify 'gpsTopic' paramter in '*.yaml' with yourself gnss topic;
gpsTopic: "gps/fix" # GPS topic
If you want to use liorf with integrated gps factor in kitti dataset, you can use the modified python script in "config/doc/kitti2bag" to obtain high-frequency gps data(Rate: 100HZ, Topic: '/gps/fix/correct'). About how to use "kitti2bag.py", please refer to doc/kitti2bag. This will generate a BAG package in ROS1 format, You need to convert it to the BAG package in ROS2 format, Please refer to the conversion method ros2 to ros1.
Thanks for LIO-SAM, FAST_LIO2, UrbanNavDataset, M2DGR and MulRanDataset.