Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Theano based on (kpif et al.) for classification on the baseline datasets considered in their paper. These datasets are included in the repository in the data folder.
- theano
- networkx (to unpack the dataset)
To train the model, simple do
python -W ignore
This will save a model after every 500 iterations and also test the model on the test dataset. A saved model can be loaded using the --lm option as
python -W ignore --lm=$NameSavedModel
Finally to test a saved model it can be done with the --t flag as.
python -W ignore --lm=$NameSavedModel --t=0
The model achieves good accuracies on baseline datasets
Dataset | Accuracy |
Cora | 80.5 |
Citeseer | 71.1 |
Pubmed | 79.2 |
NELL | 65.8 |