This service-level agreement (SLA) describes the level of support that you should expect.
95%+ uptime
The packages build successfully, and have their tests pass at least 95% of the time in a year.
unspecified response time
Issues, pull requests and comments are responded to with no timing guarantees.
No backwards compatibility
There are no hard backwards compatibility guarantees, but I try to update all affected code when I break an API. If you import my packages and I know of that via importers, I will send a PR to update your package.
See bradfitz/go-issue-mirror#5, bradfitz/go-issue-mirror#6, and bradfitz/go-issue-mirror#16 as some recent examples of that.
If you vendor my packages, it's your own responsibility to update when you want to.
Forward progress
Because there's no backwards compatibility promise, it's always okay to change things to make things better. Even if an API is not 100% optimal in the first commit, it's not frozen and can be improved later.
Current stable Go version
Current stable Go version is supported. Previous versions may work, but aren't guaranteed to. I don't go out of my way to break support for previous versions, but I don't hold back on using new features from current stable Go version.
This SLA applies to all Go packages under the following namespaces:
with the exception of: